MatheMEDics: Developing Medical Decision Support


MatheMEDics is an Applications Service Provider/Software Developer (“ASP”). We develop and market interactive medical decision support software for physicians, consumers and managed care providers. Our online sotware can be divided into two categories:

  • Diagnostic expert systems for physicians and consumers
  • Intelligent software for managed care

Besides these products, MatheMEDics offers consulting in the areas of managed care process optimization and diagnostic strategy. Under demos you will find a more extensive explanation and demonstration of some of our products.

The Internet platform of software availability is revolutionizing conventional client-server models. Virtually no global medical programs embedding expert knowledge/decision support software are available in an interactive web-based format. MatheMEDics, pioneering medical expert system/decision support software is directed to physician groups and provider networks at financial risk, other medical providers, medical education, medical web sites, and the consumer market.

Online Managed Care Decision Support Software

MatheMEDics has analyzed various categories of health expenditures, particularly those for diagnostic procedures. Our interactive, integrated web-based software is designed to control administrative and medical benefits costs, and optimize decision-making, at the same time reducing the “hassle factor,” without imperiling patient care. Our software can provide your managed care organization with considerable savings at an attractive PMPM (per member per month) cost basis. Contact us for additional information.

Online Medical Diagnostic Expert Systems

We have developed diagnostic programs for back, chest, abdominal pain, and other sign/symptom domains, and have considerable experience with knowledge engineering and algorithmic development in creating other practical and efficient medical expert and decision support system. A Windows version of our chest pain program, Thorask, has previously been available for download in 25 countries and is undergoing clinical testing in a major medical school and University emergency room. The program has also been used in course and classroom demonstrations at several major universities, and a discussion and screen capture appears in the textbook, Principles of Information Systems (Course Technology, 1999).


An important component of MatheMEDics services is the ability to provide unique consulting and medical management services in major areas such as utilization management, network development and management, and provider contracting for various payers and managed care organizations. These services are available for Third Party Administrators (TPA’s), Independent Practice Associations (IPA’s), Preferred Provider organizations (PPO’s), Physician Hospital Organizations (PHO’s), Hospitals, HMO’s, and any other entity or group at financial risk.